

Luis del Romero Renau (Ph.D) Coordinator

Department of Geography, University of Valencia
Assistant Professor

Ph.D at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008)
Assistant Professor at the University of Valencia (2010)
Visiting professor and researcher at the Laval University and Quebec University in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and Freiburg University (Germany).

Research interests: 

- Environmental, urban and social conflicts in cities and metropolitan areas
- Metropolitan governance
- Rural crisis and depopulation
- Study of Shrinking regions
- Water governance and conflicts related to water
- Environmental Assessment

Last publications:

Del Romero, L. ,2012, Cohesión y exclusión social en la ciudad . In Sorribes, J. (Ed.): La ciudad. Economía, espacio, sociedad y medio ambiente . Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Del Romero, L. ,2012, Ciudadanía, malestar urbano y derecho a la ciudad. In Sorribes, J. (Ed.): La ciudad. Economía, espacio, sociedad y medio ambiente . Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Del Romero, L. ,2012, Ecología urbana. In Sorribes, J. (Ed.): La ciudad. Economía, espacio, sociedad y medio ambiente . Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Del Romero, L. and Trudelle, C., 2012, Le Conte de deux cités : Analyse comparative des conflits urbains de Montréal et Valence, 1995–2010. Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien. Vol 56, pp.58-79 

Del Romero, L. and Trudelle, C., 2011,Mega -Events and urban conflicts in Valencia, Spain: Contesting the new urban modernity. Urban Studies Review, Vol 1, 2011.

Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local.
University of Valencia

Research fellow from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Master's degree in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry in 2005. Ph.D. degree from the University of Valencia in 2011. Antonio has 10 years of experience in GIS analysis in the Land Planning Department of the Desertification Research Center – CIDE (CSIC-UV-GV). Relevant experience in: detection and analysis of land use-cover changes, soil sampling and mapping, design and application of environmental indicators, identification and location of urban conflicts.

Research interests:

- Urban conflicts
- Land use/cover changes
- Urbanization and land degradation
- Environmental planning
- Environmental and urban GIS.
Last publications:

Del Romero, L. & Valera, A. (2012). Unmapped spaces: the challenges of spatial planning in abandoned spaces in Teruel province, Spain. CEDDAR. Book in press.

Valera, A., Añó & Sánchez, J. (2012). Half a century (1956-2005) of urban growth and soil loss in the Spanish Mediterranean coastal area: the metropolitan area of Alacant-Elx. Documents d’Anàlisi Geografica, article in press.

Valera, A. (2011): Land use-cover dynamics and environmental sustainability in the metropolitan areas of the Comunitat Valenciana (Spain). Ph D. Thesis. Faculty of Biologics, University of València.

Valera, A.; Añó, C. & Sánchez, J. (2011). Urban growth (1956-2006) and soil degradation by soil sealing in the municipality of Valencia. Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense. 31 (2): 177-191.

Josep Sorribes i Monrabal (Ph.D.)

Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local and Department of Applied Economics (University of Valencia)

Coordinator of the Aula i Ciutat research group
Director of the European Documentation Center of the University of Valencia.

Research interests:

- Regional and urban economy
- Metropolitan areas
- Local administration
- Valencia and its metropolitan region

Last publications:

Sorribes, J., 2012, (Ed.): La ciudad. Economía, espacio, sociedad y medio ambiente . Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Sorribes, J., 2011, (Dir.): València, una ciutat manifestament millorable. Valencia: Els llibres del temps

Sorribes, J. and Rausell, P., 2011,: ¿Compite Valencia?. IIDL: Valencia.

Département de géographie
Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada

Professor and researcher at the Département de géographie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and Fulbright Fellow. Ph.D. in Spatial Planning and Regional development of the Laval University.

Research interests:

- Conflict activity in the city
- Protest movements
- Problems of Spatial Planning
- Social movements
- Quantitative methods in geography

Last publications:

Del Romero, L. and Trudelle, C., 2012, Le Conte de deux cités : Analyse comparative des conflits urbains de Montréal et Valence, 1995–2010. Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien. Vol 56, pp.58-79 

Del Romero, L. and Trudelle, C., 2011,Mega -Events and urban conflicts in Valencia, Spain: Contesting the new urban modernity. Urban Studies Review, Vol 1, 2011.

Quintal, Magalie et TRUDELLE, Catherine (Accepté). Les associations locales dans la vallée du Ziz (Maroc) : vers une nouvelle gouvernance territoriale. Économie Rurale : Agricultures, Alimentations et Territoires (

Postdoctoral Researcher (INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société, Montréal, Québec, Canada)

Research interests:

- Urban dynamics
- Urban conflicts
- Sociospatial statistical analysis
- Decission processes in urban and spatial planning

Last publications:

PELLETIER, Mathieu, JOERIN, Florent and VILLENEUVE, Paul (Submitted, 2011,) Effect of local contexts on the dynamics of conflict activity. Cybergeo.

PELLETIER, Mathieu et JOERIN, Florent (2011). L’analyse spatiale: pour une meilleure compréhension des conflits urbains. In O. Walser, T. Laurent, F. Joerin, M. Schuler, S. Joost, B. Debarbieux et H. Dao. Les SIG au service du développement territorial. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, Suisse.

External collaborators
Joan Carles Martori i Cañas (Ph.D.)

Professor, Departament d'Economia i Empresa
Universitat de Vic 

Research interests:

- Migrant and residential segregation
- Quantitative methods of spatial segregation 
- Urban GIS and geo-statistics 

Jacobo Abellán Bordallo (Doctoral student)

Ph.D. student, Autonomous University of Madrid. Master in Political Science, University of Valencia

Research interests:

- Protest movements
- Urban protests
- Grassroot movements


Sergio Arturo Hernández Miranda, Student at the Master in Local Development (IIDL)